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       Welcome to Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills!

click here for shul contacts

150-05 70th Road
Flushing, NY 11367
Telephone: (718) 261-9723

See Weekly Announcements for Sh'va Asar B'Tammuz Schedule


72nd Anniversary DINNER Dec 17, 2023

click here for recorded dinner program


Introductory Remarks by Rabbi Daniel Rosenfelt

Director, David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies

THE RABBI OF BUCHENWALD:  The riveting story of Rabbi Herschel Schacter, U.S. Army Chaplain whose unit liberated the Nazi concentration camp at Buchenwald

click here

Shiurim Sponsorships Available

Dear Friends,

We invite you to participate in being a sponsor for any of the Shiurim taking place in person or via Zoom. Sponsorships are ways to commemorate an important occasion (birth, Bar/Bas Mitzvah, wedding, graduation, anniversary, yahrtzeit, or any other occasion honoring a loved one). It will be announced before each shiur and mentioned in the weekly bulletin. Anyone may view/join the Zoom. See ID for Zoom (if applicable) following each opportunity.

Here are some opportunities...

Daf Yomi $50 per day or $150 per week

Zoom ID 6933067702; pswd: 0000

Mishnah Berurah $50 a day or $150 per week

Zoom ID 7658461161, pswd 111111 7658461161?pwd= ek9ubWp0cGxjTVc0VGg4Z2hTUEI1UT 09


Sunday morning 8:45-9:30am Complimentary Breakfast men/women
- Timely Tefillah Tricks (for women) by Rabbi Daniel Rosenfelt
- Bentch Like a Mentch (
for men) by Rabbi Ephraim Glatt


Sunday morning Gemara Berachos Shiur with
Rabbi Arieh Listowsky $100

Zoom ID 762 2190 5432, pswd: torah

Monday night Gemara Sanhedrin Shiur with
Rabbi Daniel Rosenfelt $100

Tuesday morning Women's Parsha Class
with Rabbi Sholom Steinig $100

Conference Call (602) 580-9625, Access Code: 878 9412# (include the #). 

Rabbi Doniel Glatstein Friday Learning $100

Zoom ID 435 353 1943, pswd: Torah

If you are interested, please contact the shul or email
Rabbi Rosenfelt


For a FULL list of opportunities, please click here



The Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld Adult Education Center, established in 2020 in memory of the founding rabbi of the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills, organizes programs and classes for the community. Among its programs are the Summer Shabbos Afternoon Lecture Series & Scholar-in-Residence Shabbosos.

The Center is led by an Advisory Committee: Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld,  Stuart Verstandig, and Rebecca Wittert.

General donations to the Center in any amount and/or sponsorship for specific special programs are welcome.


Thank you for your generosity.

Final Thursday Night Zoom Drasha by Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld

click here


To view the presentation of the co-naming of 150th Street
on Sunday, August 21, 2022

click here

YIKGH 70th Anniversary Dinner

June 26, 2022 

video coming soon


Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld's address at the YIKGH 60th Anniversary Dinner

click here


click here to see the program

  Chevra Kadisha Recording and Video

Memorial Tribute​​​​​​​

Click on one of the links below for the recording of the siyum for yahrtzeit of Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld, zt"l, 
on November 30, 2021


Click on the link below for the recording of
Rabbi Elyakim Koenigsberg's remarks in tribute to
Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld, zt"l, on July 11, 2021,
at the Daf Yomi Siyum.


Memorial Tribute to Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld, zt"l

   If you were unable to participate in the June 27, 2021 Memorial Tribute
to Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld zt"l or would like to listen to the program again,
a recording of the program can be found at:   

A Tribute Book was be published with appreciations, reminiscences and photographs.

To donate to the Memorial Tribute, click

then, on the right side, go to Visitors Pay or Donate Here, then, below that Payment Details, select Memorial Tribute from the drop-down menu

Audio/visual recollections of Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld, zt"l,
by Rabbi Mordechai Willig

click here

Below is a link to a previously unknown recorded interview with Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld about his early recollections of Rav Ahron Kotler zt"l in Vienna through his days in Lakewood and his relationship with Rav Soloveitchik zt"l.

Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld recollections of Rav Ahron Kotler zt"l


The following is a brief drasha by Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld on 12/24/2020 (Parshas Viyigash), l'ilui nishmas Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld,

                                            מורנו הרב מרדכי שרגא פייבל בן ר' שמואל שבתי הלוי

followed by some recollections of his father by his sister Debby Spero, who is in from Israel at this time.

Recordings of Queens levaya AND
Israel levaya/burial of Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld

The first 2 recordings are from the levaya at the Young Israel of KGH.  We apologize, but due to circumstances, the first one is only 1:20 long and the quality is diminished.   
MP4 Video file
The following is the recording in Israel:
For shiva information, click on the announcements tab above.
Saturday, July 27, 2024 21 Tammuz 5784